What Is In My Iowa Accident Report?

Have you been involved in a car accident on Iowa roads? Whether it was a severe crash or a minor fender-bender, it’s a good idea to call a law enforcement officer to the scene so that they can file an official report for you. In your report, the officer will take note of all of the important details about the crash. Because of this, a copy of your official Iowa accident report can be a valuable resource to have if you plan to claim insurance benefits.

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Your Iowa Collision Report Explained

Whether you’re a seasoned expert or a total novice when it comes to the Iowa accident report, it’s always helpful to take a look at the following reminders about how to navigate the document. The report is made up of eight pages. The first half is where the officer will record information about the accident, and the second half of the report lists all the codes used to indicate specific details about the crash.

Page 1:

At the top of the first page, the officer will list the most basic information about the crash, including the location, date, time, and number of injured individuals.

Below this, the officer will use codes to list the information for the first vehicle, or unit, involved in the crash, including:

  • Driver information
  • Owner information
  • Whether or not the driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Driver distractions
  • Citations the driver received
  • Vehicle identification number
  • Make
  • Model
  • Year
  • Body type
  • Vehicle defects
  • Sequence of events

At the bottom of this page, the officer will list details about everyone in the first vehicle who received injuries.

Page 2: 

The second page of the report looks the same as the first, but it includes details about the second vehicle, or unit, involved in the crash.

Page 3:

On the third page of the report, the officer will include details about the conditions at the time of the crash, including weather conditions, roadway characteristics, location of the accident, and the sequence of events in which the accident occurred.

At the bottom of this page, the officer will list all non-vehicular property damage and eyewitness accounts of the accident.

Page 4:

This page is broken into two sections. At the top, the officer will draw a diagram of the accident in order to visually interpret the events of the crash. Below this, they will write a narrative to describe the accident.

Pages 5 to 8:

The last four pages of the report serve as a reference section to help the reader interpret the codes the officer uses throughout the report. These numbers are used to represent all of the details the officer lists throughout the report in a shorter and more efficient manner.

To use these pages, the reader should match the page heading to the heading listed in the overlay section. From there, they can use the codes to properly interpret the details about their collision.

How to Get a FREE Copy of Your Crash Report

Don’t wait to obtain legal information that can greatly benefit your claim. Request a completely free copy of your crash report today. Click HERE to find out how!

We were founded on a mission to assist people who were involved in car wrecks in Iowa by providing giving them access to the resources they need. By providing free crash reports, helpful advice, and connection to legal and medical resources, we hope you can put your accident behind you once and for all.
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